Kerala Tour Attractions – Rejuvenating Ayurveda and Yoga
We are in a new millennium, and as the world has changed in this millennium we need something really extraordinary, so as to keep ourselves refreshed and ready to face the challenges in this millennium. Kerala Tourism offers Kerala Ayurveda Tour which promises to leave you with a refreshed body, mind and soul. Kerala is the best place in the world for indulging in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, the science of life or longevity whose history spans over 5000 years, is the oldest system of medicine in existence. This traditional Indian system of medicine holds out to the world the promise of a healthy long life. Would you believe that your physical & mental activity can be improved? If not then step into the world, where healing is a ritual and nurturing life a tradition, i. e. experience the magical power of Traditional Ayurveda. Kerala, the South Indian state of India is the best place for Ayurveda on this earth. Tourists travel to Kerala from across the globe to experience the bliss of Ayurveda.
Whether you wish to pamper yourself with rejuvenating Ayurvedic massages or cure yourself of some kind of illness, Kerala Ayurveda is the best option. A variety of Ayurvedic therapies are available to choose from such as Rejuvenation Therapy/Body Purification Therapy, Slimming Programme, Stress Management Programme (Manasanthy-Body, Mind & Soul), Beauty Care Programme and Ayurveda Anti-Ageing Programme.
To help you experience the magic of Ayurveda Kerala Tour offers programs combining Ayurveda along with sightseeing. Take an extensive and well – crafted out Ayurvedic treatment package that would rejuvenate your body and mind and make you face the hustle and bustle of the city life again.
Yoga literally means Union. An ancient Indian discipline, seeks to unite the individual soul (Jivatman) with the Universal soul or God (Parmatmam) through rigorous mental and physical efforts. The Yoga was researched and developed by great Indian sages and physicians, even before the dawn of recorded history.
In Kerala you can experience the charm of both Ayurveda and Yoga. So are you ready for an enchanting travel experience!